Energetic live acoustic folk band based in Münster, Germany. Songs and tunes inspired by the folk music of Ireland, Scotland and England, with a passion and authenticity born out of years of live performing. Traditional folk instruments paired with rich vocals and both original and classic songs and tunes have given many audiences around North Rhine-Westphalia and the Münsterland an unforgetttable evening.
2023 has been a great year for us, performing to audiences all over the North and West of Germany, in town festivals, for parties big and small, for weddings, and of course in many many wonderful pubs and restaurants. We've had a great year of music - next year we hope we can play for you and bring some joy to 2024!
A tight group of musicians from in and around Münster and Werne an der Lippe, Germany, we play traditional Irish, Scottish, English and American folk songs and tunes as well as many of our own originals in pubs and bars, and at private parties, weddings and town festivals not forgetting of course St Patrick's Day! Coming from Werne, Selm and of course Münster, and with one Englishman too we have years of experience playing to all kinds of audiences.
We build our exciting sound with traditional instruments including banjo, concertina, wooden flutes and whistles, guitar and bodhran as well as the amazing sound of the not-yet-traditional "Geyerleier" (look it up!) all topped with great singing and harmonies.
Was der St. Patrick‘s Day den Iren, ist in Schottland Burns Night. Man feiert den Geburtstag des schottischen Nationaldichters Robert Burns (1759 - 1796) mit gutem Essen, Musik und natürlich mit gutem Whisky. Am 27. Januar veranstalteten wir einen fantastischen Abend mit Musik und Whiskyverkostung im Kolpinghaus Hotel in Werne. Die Veranstaltung war ein großer Erfolg – 40 Gäste probierten 6 verschiedene, ganz besondere, sehr teure Whiskys, begleitet von der Geschichte des Whiskys und der von uns gebotenen Live-Musik. Das Feedback war äußerst positiv. Wir werden dies bald wieder tun – und wenn Sie möchten, dass wir eine ähnliche Veranstaltung für Sie veranstalten, nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf!
Is this the last time in our little Munster venue? Come and join us and let us know!
The wonderful Goch "Scotfest" celebration of all things Scottish - we will take to the stage at 19:00 to play lots of great tunes and songs from the land of Whisky!
We have been invited to play for the Kastellaun "Moon light market" - a medieval market with live music. Looking forward to it!
After last year's great whisky event at the , Bocholt Handwerkmuseum we are back again to bring you great whisky and wonderful tunes and songs!
The whole band streaming live for you on YouTube - listen, chat with us and send your requests!
What a great weekend that was! Two wonderful gigs - the crowds at the FloezK in Werne and the Kulturverein in Billerbeck joined us in singing, dancing and celebrating the tradition of St Patrick's - read more in the WernePlus about the Werne event. It was a blast!
For Burn's Night in 2024, on 27 February you can join us for a great night of top-notch Whiskey tasting, curated by our expert Wolf Luessen, along with music from us and great food and drink from the Kolpinghaus. All in one inclusive ticket. A truly great night is guaranteed. Check above for details and to buy tickets
Our music is now on all your favourite streaming services - Spotify, Deezer, Amazon, Apple etc Give us a listen, like, recommend and share!
Introducing the new member of The Munster Men - Roland, on banjo! An experienced player of Irish music in sessions for many years, Roland is also a key member of the Werne music scene - he runs the FloezK music venue organising regular fabulous gigs by diverse indie bands from all over the world.
In addition to our busy gig schedule, you will find most of us playing in folk sessions in Werne, Münster and Dortmund. We run two sessions - one in the Kolpinghaus Hotel, Werne - second Wednesday every month, and one in the F24 bar Münster, third Monday of the month. Contact us for info!
Very proud to be listed in the "Top 10 Celtic Bands of 2021" list by Marc Gunn "The Celtfather" - see the list and more from Marc here
Suprised and delighted to have been the most listened to "featured artist" during the first year of the Soham Radio "Folk Club" - thanks Stuart Green Listen here around 1:20:00
We're very happy to have begun playing live gigs again after so long! Check the event listing to see when and where you can see and hear us - real live music - there's nothing like it :)
Our CD can now be purchased through Bandcamp. Hop over to Bandcamp to get your copy.
In 2019 during several recording sessions we put together a collection of songs and tunes that have now been released on our album "Tasting the Waters".
The album includes many original songs and tunes as well as our own arrangements of some classic traditional music from England, Ireland and Scotland.
You can now buy the CD directly through Bandcamp and have it shipped straight to you. Or buy it from us when you see us playing live.
We are soon going to be bringing you live streamed concerts on Facebook and YoutTube - watch out for announcements!
Until then why not check out some of our Quarantine tune and song videos?